Numbers, Please!
John R. Thelin
History of Education Quarterly
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Picturing the history of teacher education: photographs and methodology
History of Education Review
John Hardcastle (2013)
'Photographers are the devil': an essay in the historiography of photographing schools
History of Education
Heather E. McGregor (2014)
Exploring ethnohistory and Indigenous scholarship: what is the relevance to educational historians?
Wayne J. Urban (2013)
Things I Should Have or Could Have Accomplished
Maria Grever, Pieter de Bruijn and Carla van Boxtel (2012)
Negotiating historical distance: Or, how to deal with the past as a foreign country in heritage education
Paedagogica Historica
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University Finance: Public or Private?
History of Education Society Bulletin
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The University Tests Act, 1871, and Roman Catholic Counter-Measures
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University and Society 1500-1640: Methods of Research
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Museums and medical schools in classical antiquity
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Humanism in the Sixteenth Century Cambridge Arts Course
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Inspectors' Reports and the Select Committee of 1864
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Under constraint or in self-defence? Polish school funds and scholarships in Lithuania, Byelorussia, and the Ukraine territories
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Public expenditure on education and economic growth in the UK, 1833-2000
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Controlling Education Expenditure Eighty Years Ago
British Journal of Educational Studies
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The Expenditure of the Committee of Council on Education, 1839-52
Journal of Educational Administration and History