Things I Should Have or Could Have Accomplished
Wayne J. Urban
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Picturing the history of teacher education: photographs and methodology
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History of Education
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Exploring ethnohistory and Indigenous scholarship: what is the relevance to educational historians?
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Numbers, Please!
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Working Class Attitudes to Education in the Black Country in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
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The Educational Legacy of the Anti-Corn Law League
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The National Education Association of Great Britain 1889-1959. A Short Account and Bibliography
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A Deputation of the National Education League
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College Archives and the Job Creation Scheme
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The Education of Girls and Women: Primary Sources No. 2: MSS 188 Association of Headmistresses
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Before Warnock - The Teachers' Registration Council
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Certified Women Teachers in the National Union of Elementary Teachers, 1870-82
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The Lowestoft Teachers' Strike April 1923 to April 1924